Glasses as Nonlinear Photonic Materials
Eva M. Vogel,
Eva M. Vogel
Bell Communications Research, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Member, American Ceramic Society.
Search for more papers by this authorEva M. Vogel,
Eva M. Vogel
Bell Communications Research, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Member, American Ceramic Society.
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
The success of photonic switching depends on the development of the materials and devices that are capable of processing light signals without converting them to electronic forms. Glasses are promising materials for these all-optical devices because of their fast-responding nonlinearities and low absorption. The aim of this paper is to apprise the ceramic community of the development of nonlinear optics research. The relative merits and trade-offs of glasses as nonlinear photonic material are discussed.
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