Volume 102, Issue 11 p. 6385-6406

Data-driven glass/ceramic science research: Insights from the glass and ceramic and data science/informatics communities

Eileen De Guire

Corresponding Author

Eileen De Guire

The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio


Eileen De Guire, The American Ceramic Society, 550 Polaris Pkwy, Ste 510Westerville, OH 43082.

Email: [email protected]

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Nexight Group, Silver Spring, Maryland

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The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio

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Charlie Spahr

Charlie Spahr

The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio

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Nexight Group, Silver Spring, Maryland

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Corning Incorporated, Corning, New York

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First published: 11 July 2019
Citations: 20
Justin Fessler is now with Salesforce, Washington, DC.
Charlie Spahr retired from ACerS 12/31/18.

Funding information

Organization and award number: NIST AMTech Award No. 70NANB15H073.


Data-driven science and technology have helped achieve meaningful technological advancements in areas such as materials/drug discovery and health care, but efforts to apply high-end data science algorithms to the areas of glass and ceramics are still limited. Many glass and ceramic researchers are interested in enhancing their work by using more data and data analytics to develop better functional materials more efficiently. Simultaneously, the data science community is looking for a way to access materials data resources to test and validate their advanced computational learning algorithms. To address this issue, The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) convened a Glass and Ceramic Data Science Workshop in February 2018, sponsored by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTech) program. The workshop brought together a select group of leaders in the data science, informatics, and glass and ceramics communities, ACerS, and Nexight Group to identify the greatest opportunities and mechanisms for facilitating increased collaboration and coordination between these communities. This article summarizes workshop discussions about the current challenges that limit interactions and collaboration between the glass and ceramic and data science communities, opportunities for a coordinated approach that leverages existing knowledge in both communities, and a clear path toward the enhanced use of data science technologies for functional glass and ceramic research and development.